






【英文介绍/For English】:

Ace vs. Ace Wang Yuanda and Zhang Wei meet in which issue

"Ace Vs Ace" Wang Yuan and Zhang Dawei "Meet Nine Eight" is the February 19, 2018 issue. In the talent show of the Spring Festival Gala, Wang Yuan and Zhang Wei brought a brand new "Meet Nine Eight". Both of them are very serious and responsible singers for music. This time they cooperated together and collided with a new spark. They The singing partner has a tacit understanding, and the songs are very beautiful, which is deeply loved by fans.

The fourth episode of the third season of "Ace vs. Ace" is about the competition for the honorary title of comedians in the Spring Festival Gala. The guests participating in the recording of this episode include Cai Ming, Pan Changjiang, Guo Donglin, Mai Hongmei, Da Zhangwei and others. Members of the family participated in the game together. Everyone was divided into the Evergreen Team of the Spring Festival Gala and the Time-honored Team of the Spring Festival Gala. After several rounds of game competition, we will see who can compete for the title of comedian.

In the second round of the Spring Festival Gala talent show of "Ace Vs Ace 3", Wang Yuanda and Zhang Wei first sang "A Fire in Winter" and "Back to My Mother's Home" respectively, and then they also collaborated and brought the song "Meet Nine "Eight", as a classic Spring Festival Gala song, "Meet Nine Eight" is not only because of the beautiful tune and moving lyrics, but also because the singers of the song are Na Ying and Faye Wong, so it is deeply loved by the audience. This time, Wang Yuanda and Zhang Wei used their unique voices to sing this song in a new adaptation, and the audience liked it very much.

Zhang Wei said that Wang Yibo is ice cream, which issue is it?

"Everyday Upward" Da Zhangwei said that Wang Yibo is ice cream is the June 10, 2018 issue. In Cheng Xiao's impression, Wang Yibo is very cold, but Zhang Dawei said: "Wang Yibo is an iceberg to others, but to us, he is ice cream!"