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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Si Teng", Qin Fang has a first love girlfriend who has been dead for many years, named Chen Wan. Although Qin Fang has started a new life now, Chen Wan still exists deep in his heart, which is why Qin Fang The reason why he was very surprised when he saw Shen Yindeng was because in Qin Fang's view, Shen Yindeng and Chen Wan looked exactly the same. So are Chen Yindeng and Chen Wan the same person? Shen Yindeng and Chen Wan are not related by blood, but they look the same. Is there any special reason for this? Whether Chen Wan is really dead, let us take a look together!

It is reported that Shen Yindeng and Chen Wan are not the same person, and they both look different. The reason why Qin Fang saw that Shen Yindeng and Chen Wan looked the same was because Shen Yindeng read Qin Fang's memory, and then used the blindfold method to make Qin Fang fall in love with Chen Wan. Seeing himself as Chen Wan. Only Qin Fang saw Chen Wan's Chen Yindeng, and the others saw Chen Wan's original appearance. At first, Si Teng didn't know what was tricky, but only after seeing Chen Wan's photo in Qin Fang's wallet. Noticing something was wrong.

That's why Si Teng knew the true identity of Chen Yindeng Chisan, who is also of the Han tribe, and her ability is to peep into people's hearts and illusions, so Qin Fang was deceived by her. Shen Yindeng originally wanted to use this trick to confuse Qin Fang and escape Si Teng's secret from him, but what was unexpected was that Qin Fang and Si Teng had already prepared, and they were just acting for Shen Yindeng. In the end, Sato successfully got rid of Chisan and absorbed her power.

At the same time, the relationship between Si Teng and Qin Fang has also made great progress. Because Si Teng had been hurt in love before, she actually didn't trust men very much in her heart, but Qin Fang's sincere protection again and again moved Si Teng very much. Because of this, she also understood that not all men in the world are like Shao Yankuan and Qiu Shan. However, the test belonging to Si Teng is still going on, and she and Qin Fang will encounter many problems in the future, but neither of them will back down.