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【英文介绍/For English】:

In the online drama "The Silent Truth", the policeman who investigates the case of throwing corpses is named Yan Liang. Some time ago, a child named Yan Liang also appeared in the drama "Bad Boy". He also said that his dream when he grows up is to be a policeman , are these two Yan Liang the same person? Because these two dramas are both adapted from Zijin Chen's novels, and both of them have the role of Yan Liang, it will inevitably make the audience wonder, what is the relationship between them?

"The Silent Truth" Yan Liang's final investigation clarified the truth about Zhang Chao's subway body throwing case and Hou Guiping's suicide by jumping into the lake, and restored their innocence. Yan Liang is the party of justice, and he represents the constant struggle for the pursuit of truth people from all walks of life.

In the web drama "The Silent Truth", Yan Liang is a policeman and also the deputy leader of the corpse disposal case team. He is relatively withdrawn and has a dull personality, but he is very capable in investigating cases. Although He often does not play cards according to common sense, but he seeks a result for the truth of the case. His spirit of pursuing the truth and his ability to persevere are worth learning from.

As an actor, Liao Fan's acting skills needless to say. Numerous awards have proved his ability. This time he played Yan Liang in "The Silent Truth". Yan Liang here is a policeman. Don't compare Yan Liang with "The Silent Truth". Yan Liang in "Bad Boy" and "Innocent Proof" are confused. Although these works are all adapted from Zijin Chen's novels and have the same name, there is no relationship between the three Yan Liang.

"The Silent Truth" was kicked off by the subway corpse dumping case. The suspect pleaded guilty during the interrogation, and the witnesses, material evidence and oral testimony were all well prepared, but on the day of the trial, the suspect actually said that he did not kill anyone. He also confirmed the fact that he did not kill anyone, which shocked everyone. Coupled with the attention of many people in the society, the case caused a sensation. Yan Liang, as the deputy team leader of the corpse case, began to investigate the suspect Zhang Chao and the deceased Jiang. Positive.

It was also during this process that Yan Liang worked tirelessly for justice and the truth. Although the investigation of the whole case was very difficult, Yan Liang said that everything was worth it for the truth.