据哈哈娱乐网网站「枯树枝」消息,近日,琉璃腾蛇第几集脸肿了 想要给璇玑下毒却被反噬引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Liu Li", Teng Snake is Xuanji's spiritual pet, but at the beginning Teng Snake was unwilling to become Xuanji's spiritual pet, so he was always trying to find a way to break the blood contract with Xuanji. Once Xiao Yinhua deliberately told Teng Snake that she could poison Xuanji to stun Xuanji, and then took the opportunity to cut off her arm to terminate the contract. Although Teng Snake was unwilling to do so, she still couldn't resist the temptation. Drinking, but after drinking, Xuanji felt that nothing happened, but Teng Snake's face was swollen, so which episode of "Liu Li" Teng Snake's face was swollen?

Teng Snake's face was swollen in episode 32. Although Xuanji was the God of War in her previous life, she is just an ordinary cultivator in this life, so Teng Snake thinks that it is very embarrassing for a priest to become a mortal beast, so he just Every day, I try to find a way to break the blood contract with Xuanji. Sifeng's spiritual pet, Xiao Yinhua, saw a plan, because Xiao Yinhua always thought that Xuanji had taken Sifeng away, so she held a grudge against Xuanji.

Xiao Yinhua secretly went to Liu Yihuan's room to get a kind of poison. Xiao Yinhua found Teng She and told him in a caring tone on purpose. Originally, Teng Snake thought she was a priest, and the method of poisoning was too insidious, but Still unable to bear Xiao Yinhua's persuasion, she poisoned Xuanji's wine.

Originally, Teng Snake was thinking that as soon as Xuanji fainted, he would cut off her arm, and the blood contract would be released at that time, but he didn't expect that Xuanji drank all the wine and was not poisoned, but Teng Snake's face , already swollen like a pig's head. Seeing his face like this, Teng Snake was devastated, because Teng Snake thought he was the most handsome priest in the heaven, and now that his face was swollen like this, he felt ashamed to face others.

Anxious, Teng Snake immediately went to Liu Yihuan to get the antidote, but the antidote for this poison required the blood of the contractor. Teng Snake couldn't bear it and was unwilling to go to Xuanji, but Xuanji used her own blood to cure Teng Snake regardless of the past. Poisoned. Seeing Xuanji like this, Teng Snake was very moved, but his face still made him stubborn. Many netizens said that Teng Snake was like a disobedient child, who clearly admitted his mistake but refused to admit it.