很多朋友对于少年派的奇幻漂流解读 派所说的那些动物都代表着谁和不太懂,今天就由小编空水漫漫来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!





【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Fantasy Drifting of Boy Pi" is a very fantasy movie. In fact, in the story of Pi, every story has a moral, in order to cover up the cruel truth of some things. Let's take a look at "Youth Pi" I believe that after reading this interpretation, everyone must understand Pai's intentions, and the animals that Pai mentioned are actually all references!

The reason why Pi drifted was mainly because the ship they were in was caught in a storm. In fact, the people on board could have survived, but they all drowned because they ate meat with anesthesia. The father wanted to transport the animals to be sold abroad, so he gave them medicine to appease the animals. After eating the meat, the people on board were all anesthetized. Pai's family survived because they were vegetarians, but Pai used the explosion to cover up the truth of the shipwreck. In fact, Pai's father was responsible.

In Pai's story, he mentioned the animals that drifted with him, namely hyenas, tigers, zebras and orangutans. These animals represent the chef, Pie himself, the sailor and Pie's mother. Through the integration of the stories told by the opposite party, we can know that when the shipwreck happened, only these few people survived, but after drifting at sea for so many days, no one could survive without food. Survival can only be cannibalism. At first, the cook killed the sailor, and later he killed Pai's mother, and Pai killed the cook to avenge his mother. In the end, only Pai survived.

However, some people also analyzed that the hyena was Pai's father, because Pai's father accidentally killed his wife, and Pai saw it and killed his father in a fit of anger. After Pai was rescued, he was the only one who survived. When the investigators asked the cause of the shipwreck, Pai deliberately covered it up and told these stories one after another. Many people still like the story of this animal, after all. The real reality is too cruel!