据哈哈娱乐网网站「無知の愛」消息,近日,包贝尔怒怼造谣者事件始末 造谣者无事生非惹怒众人引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。




但就是有人看不惯他们的幸福,在网上发文称“包贝尔洗白出轨,不可原谅,厚脸皮。“”渣男包贝尔,孕期出轨,因包小三被跑男除名,利用婚姻感情欺骗观众。”言辞激烈,在广大网友中引起轩然大波,随后,包贝尔就发文称“早上一开门就告你,让你造谣没有成本 ?”“我倾家荡产我都告你。”从包贝尔的话中我们可以感受到他的怒火,无端受到这种污蔑换做谁都会生气的。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, a netizen revealed on Weibo that Bao Beier had cheated on his wife Bao Wenjing while she was pregnant. Even if they go bankrupt, they will sue the rumormongers. Netizens even said that this is something out of nothing. What is the whole story? Let's have a chat.

Bao Beier made his official debut in 2003 by participating in "Don't Move My Drawer". His humorous character is loved by the audience. He participated in the variety show "Run!" "It has gained a lot of fans. Bao Beier, who is so successful in his career, also has a happy family. His wife Bao Wenjing is also an actress. The two gave birth to their daughter Bao Keai in 2015, nicknamed "Jiaozi". The wedding was held in Bali the following year, and life was sweet.

In "The Second Season of Wife's Travel", the couple showed their love and envied everyone. From the show, it can be seen that Bao Beier loves his wife Bao Wenjing very much. When Bao Beier was not very famous, Bao Wenjing followed He lived in a rental house together and never disliked him at all. The two supported each other and shared weal and woe.

But there are some people who can’t understand their happiness, and posted an article on the Internet saying, "Bao Beier cheated for nothing, it is unforgivable, cheeky." The words were fierce, which caused an uproar among netizens. Later, Bao Beier posted an article saying, "I will sue you as soon as the door opens in the morning. There is no cost for you to spread rumors?" Anger, anyone would be angry if they were slandered for no reason.

Netizens have supported Bao Beier's approach. This out-of-the-box rumor has completely angered many netizens. They have expressed their desire to resist cyber violence and not let innocent people be harmed. However, the rumor maker deleted Weibo, which is out of fear. ?

Celebrities are human too, please don't create something out of nothing, and don't hurt others just to satisfy your own bad taste.