








【英文介绍/For English】:

The ending of Wenxuan's old rhyme

Wen Xuan and Lao Yun are the protagonists of a certain episode of "The Next Stop Happiness". Wen Xuan and Lao Yun did not end up together. Finally, after the mediation of the host, Wen Xuan was willing to go home and finish her studies, but Lao Yun still Stick to your musical dreams.

In this program, Wen Xuan really fell in love with her master, Lao Yun, but Lao Yun said that he and Wen Xuan were just a master-student relationship, and the relationship between the two was innocent. He didn't know that Wen Xuan liked her.

In fact, Wenxuan's pregnancy is fake, she just showed rebellious psychology, she didn't want to go home with her mother, she just wanted to continue her music dream.

Lao Yun is a person with dreams. It is reported that he went out to become a street performer without telling his family, just to earn tuition for his son. And Wenxuan's feelings for Lao Yun are not actually love, she just thinks that Lao Yun's love for her son is what she yearns for, because Lao Yun is very supportive of his son's dream.

However, in the end, Wenxuan followed her mother home and continued her studies. There would be no result between her and Lao Yun, let alone Lao Yun has her own family.

What is the next issue of Happy Wenxuan

"Happiness at the Next Stop" is an emotional reality show. Wen Xuan's story was broadcast on May 31, 2011. In this episode, Wen Xuan and Lao Yun's year-end love attracted the attention of netizens.