



3、伍千里牺牲在 水门桥战役,除了他之外,钢七连很多战士都死了,只有伍万里是活了下来。



【英文介绍/For English】:

What is the ending of Ice and Snow Sharp Knife?

1. Wu Qianli died at the end of "Ice and Snow Sharp Knife Company". He and his younger brother Wu Wanli joined the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The two experienced a series of hard battles with Qilian.

2. During the battle at the airport, Wu Qianli's Seventh Company saw through the tricks of the US military and saved the Corps. In order to find the main force, the Seventh Company went through the Battle of Shuimen Bridge.

3. Wu Qianli died in the Battle of Shuimen Bridge. Except for him, many soldiers of Gangqi Company died, and only Wu Wanli survived.

What is the ending of the Ice and Snow Sharp Knife Lian Wu Wanli?

Wu Wanli in "Ice and Snow Sharp Knife Company" ended up becoming a responsible soldier. He will rebuild the Seventh Steel Company with his promise to his brother.