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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Fire of the Road" is a major revolutionary TV series that tells the story of the Communist Party's pursuit of the correct path of the Chinese revolution from 1924 to 1936. How many episodes does this TV series have in total? What is the update time?

"The Fire of the Road" has a total of thirty episodes, and the first broadcast time is September 15, 2023. The update time is that members will update two episodes every Sunday to Friday at 22:00, and non-members will be exempted from one episode every day at 22:00. This drama was filmed to commemorate the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth. It records the historical story of the Chinese Communist Party adhering to its original aspirations and finding a bright road, and shows their dedication to serving the people.

In the spring of 1924, Mao Zedong went to work in Shanghai. The Communist Party was rejected by the right wing of the Kuomintang, and conflicts between the two sides continued. After that, Mao Zedong returned to Hunan to recuperate and find the road to revolution again. After the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup, the Communist Party and the Kuomintang completely split and became rivals.

When Chiang Kai-shek encircled and suppressed the Soviet area, Mao Zedong wrote many articles and carried out revolutionary exploration in the Soviet area, helped the Soviet area develop its economy, and found ways to fight against the Kuomintang forces. However, at this time, the party's internal left-leaning errors led to a change in direction, which undoubtedly made things worse for the Communist Party. Many revolutionaries paid the price with their lives.

The Red Army was forced to march on a long march, and Mao Zedong was among them. The Zunyi Conference was held in 1935. This was a turning point in the Chinese revolution. From then on, the Chinese Communist Party had the right direction of development. The story of this drama is set from 1924 to 1936. Through film and television dramas, we will lead everyone to witness the process of the Chinese Communist Party searching for the road to revolution. The process was full of ups and downs, but the Chinese Communist Party never gave up. They used their tenacious perseverance and amazing Wisdom has created a legendary history. It must be said that the Communist Party of China is irreplaceable. In the torrent of history, they stand firm and persevere. Because of this, the revolution has achieved a great victory, so this drama is worth watching. Look, understanding the history of the development of the Chinese revolution is what every Chinese should do.