






5、福克斯。福克斯原名胡天渝,他是CMG音乐制造商的品牌主负责人,也是幕后制作Young BO$$的创始人和主理人。 福克斯小时候学过京剧,因此,他的唱腔十分特别。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Yes, Yang and Sue and Fox are both members of the Deadman label.

The Living Dead label is a hip-hop label with great influence in China. There are many outstanding singers in the label, as follows.

1. Pharaoh. Pharaoh is the manager of the living dead label. His hardcore rap is deeply loved by hip-hop fans, and because Pharaoh's voice is very similar to Eminem, Pharaoh is also called "China's Egypt". Minam".

2. Viito Huang Xiangqi. Born in 1999, he is a new generation rapper. The content of his lyrics is mainly written in English, expressing his thinking about life and the world with lyrics.

3. Ryuzaki, he can be regarded as an "old rapper". He started his own rap career after graduating from university. He also founded the beatbox community. He has rich stage experience and won the top 8 of the national Bbox competition.

4. Yang and Su. Yang and Su once participated in "China New Rap" and won the annual championship in it. Their strength is obvious to all.

5. Fox. Fox formerly known as Hu Tianyu, he is the head of the brand of CMG Music Manufacturer, and also the founder and manager of the behind-the-scenes production Young BO$$. Fox studied Peking Opera when he was a child, so his singing is very special.

6. Elf. Elf is Pharaoh's fellow countryman and friend of Pharaoh for many years. He has a very fresh style. It is said that he is a singer who was recruited by Pharaoh to attract female fans.

7. BuzzySun eight thieves. He is a rapper with great personality, and his music is full of expressions of the hearts of young people. Therefore, many people say that he is the idol of hip-hop fans born in the 2000s.

In addition, in recent years, the living dead label has successively joined many new generation singers, which can be said to be a team full of vitality and creativity.