


其实他到处可以见到她,在各种新闻媒体、各种大小屏幕, 甚至地铁广告、公车站牌上,处处都有她的身影。看着不远处那个朝他盈然而笑的女子,于途不能免俗地恍惚地觉得——他大概遇见了一个奇遇。乔晶晶也在看着于途,她想,有句话,很流行的,怎么说来着。哦,好像是——归来仍是少年。她在滚滚红尘中奔波名利,而这个人却一如既往,眼神清澈。


【英文介绍/For English】:

The TV series "You Are My Glory" tells the story of the heroine Qiao Jingjing and her unrequited love in high school "Yu Tu", the two embarked on a romantic and healing journey of love. Time flies. At this time, "Yu Tu" has become an aerospace designer with a dream, and "Qiao Jingjing" has also become a star-studded popular actress. The two work hard on the road to pursue their dreams, encourage each other in romantic adventures, and eventually become mutual glory .

Ten years later, Qiao Jingjing's unexpected starlight shines, but the male god who rejected her in high school seems to have disappeared from everyone. Time flies, and you are still shining in my heart. Can I also be your glory? It was Qiao Jingjing. They haven't seen each other for ten years since the college entrance examination.

In fact, he can see her everywhere, in various news media, on screens of various sizes, even in subway advertisements and bus stop signs, she can be seen everywhere. Looking at the woman who was smiling at him not far away, Yu Tu couldn't help feeling in a trance——he probably encountered an adventure. Qiao Jingjing was also looking at Yu Tu, she thought, there is a saying that is very popular, how to say it. Oh, it seems to be - he is still a boy when he returns. She was running around for fame and fortune in the world of mortals, but this person was as clear-eyed as ever.

This "You Are My Glory", adapted from Gu Man's novel of the same name, has attracted much attention since the eve of its broadcast due to its content such as "starring casting", "Gu Man IP" and "high-sweet film flowers". "It's not an exaggeration. Fortunately, "You Are My Glory", which "comes out after a long time", lived up to expectations, and handed over the opening answer sheet with a beautiful boomerang.