




【英文介绍/For English】:

Answer: "Wild Flowers", "Love Birds" and public welfare blessings.

In the Double Eleven carnival night program officially announced on November 10, in addition to the wonderful performances by Angela Chang, Da Zhangwei, Zhou Shen, Mao Buyi and many other music stars, many people are very fond of Yi Yang Qianxi The stage is full of expectations.

It is reported that Yi Yang Qianxi, who is the spokesperson of Tmall, has participated in the performance of the Double Eleven Carnival Night for the sixth year. On this stage, Yi Yang Qianxi will bring the opening performances of "Wild Flowers" and "Love Birds", and will also offer her public welfare blessings at the end.

Once the program was released, it aroused the screams of countless "Thousand Paper Cranes". Let us look forward to Yi Yang Qianxi's wonderful performance this time!