






【英文介绍/For English】:

The two elders of Xuanming are called Luzhangke and Hebiweng. The two elders of Xuanming, the collective name of Luzhangke and Hebiweng in Jin Yong's martial arts novel "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji". The deer is lustful, the crane is good at wine, both of them have excellent martial arts, and are good at using the dark and cold inner power of Xuanming God's palm. They are keen on fame and wealth, and they join the Ruyang palace for encouragement. They are the strongest masters in the palace. Twenty years ago, Xuan Ming and his elders were in their fifties, with high noses and deep eyes, and they seemed to be from the Western Regions. He Biweng struck Zhang Wuji with the Xuan Ming palm, which could not be cured by the Nine Suns. year.

<strong>Character martial arts

<p>In the original book, the two elders Xuanming alone are second only to Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wuji, Master Kongjian, Yang Dingtian, Shaolin Sandu, Yellow Shirt Woman, Changsheng Treasure Tree King, Great Sage Treasure Tree King, etc. The supreme master of human beings, Xuanming God's Palm is even more gloomy and cold, and it is almost difficult for the two elders to find an opponent together. But Xuanming God's Palm can only hurt opponents whose internal strength is not as good as one's own. If the opponent's internal strength is higher than his own, such as Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Wuji, he will be backlashed.

The two elders are not good at lightness kung fu, and they lag behind the masters of Ruyang Palace's light kung fu.

<strong>Final ending

<p>Seeing that Luzhangke was furious, Zhang Wuji's eyes turned red, he turned his palm and hit his younger brother He Biweng, while the two were attacking each other, he extended his left hand heavily, and tapped Luzhangke's acupoints, seeing Hebiweng Bi Weng was flustered at the side, and immediately stretched out his fingers to hit his acupoints, then stretched out his palms, one palm on Lu Zhang Ke's shoulder, and the other on He Bi Weng's vest, urging the nine yang zhenqi to draw the blood in the two people's bodies. Xuanming's yin energy gradually melted away. After 30% to 40% of the Yin Qi in Hebi Weng's body has been reduced, he will turn his hand to consume the Yin Qi in Lu Zhang's body. Repeatedly like this, Xuanming's yin qi that the two elders had practiced hard for decades finally lost seventy-eight out of ten, and they can't practice anymore, otherwise the insidiousness will attack the heart, just like what Zhang Wuji suffered when he was young. From then on, the two elders, Xuanming and Ming, retreated to become third-rate mediocre fighters in the martial arts, and they were no longer first-rate characters. Zhang Wuji had been hit by Xuanming God's palm when he was young, and he endured it for many years and endured all kinds of sufferings, until this time he finally got the reward, he laughed and unlocked the acupoints of the two of them. The two elders Xuanming were furious, they each stretched out their right palms and struck Zhang Wuji's chest. Zhang Wuji refused to give way and did not evade, and accepted their palm force. With a bang, the old man's arm was in severe pain, his chest was full of blood, and he fell to the ground exhausted, unable to stand up. With the martial arts of the two of them at this time, even Zhao Min's former magic arrow Baxiong can't match.