

1、《涉过愤怒的海》小娜是自杀,她离开店长后回去找李苗苗,为了挽回李苗苗去做了 一些事。





【英文介绍/For English】:

Who killed the angry Hai Xiaona?

1. Xiaona committed suicide in "Crossing the Angry Sea". After she left the store manager, she went back to find Li Miaomiao and did something to save Li Miaomiao.

2. But this matter was not as simple as Xiaona thought. Not only did she not complete it, she was also gang-raped by three men.

3. Li Miaomiao felt that Xiaona was dirty, so Xiaona used self-mutilation to prove to Li Miaomiao that she really loved him. Unfortunately, Li Miaomiao no longer loved her, and she didn't care about her life or death.

Why did Li Miaomiao feel twisted after being exposed to the anger of the sea?

"Crossing the Angry Sea" Li Miaomiao's native family and childhood experiences caused his psychology to become distorted. He even ran away when he saw Lao Jin without explaining it.