最近有很多热心网友都十分关心《 此心安处是吾乡》江阿姨为什么一直投诉制造噪音这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「喜欢看着你笑」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。



【英文介绍/For English】:

"This Peaceful Place Is My Hometown" Aunt Jiang complains about Fang Shuran making noise every day. In fact, it is because Aunt Jiang cannot accept the fact that her daughter has passed away, causing auditory hallucinations.

Xiao Liming once again received complaints from residents that Fang Shuran was making noise, and had no choice but to live in Fang Shuran's home to testify for him. . The two of them chatted from ideals to blind boxes and then Sanxingdui late at night. The more they talked, the more confusing they became. In the end, Shuran fell asleep. The next morning, Xiao Liming fell asleep on the table, but Fang Shuran had already gotten up to cook. At this time, Aunt Jiang came to the door with Zhang Fengjiao and Guo Gan, accusing Fang Shuran of making noise. However, Xiao Liming could testify that it was quiet last night, so the biggest problem still lies with Aunt Jiang. Zhang Fengjiao communicated through the neighborhood committee that Aunt Jiang’s daughter passed away half a year ago and encountered an accident when she went abroad to aid in construction. Therefore, Aunt Jiang did not go through the procedures for canceling her daughter’s account. The situation was complicated and confusing. Everyone speculated that Aunt Jiang could eventually suffer from hearing hallucinations because of her daughter's death. In order to confirm this guess, Xiao Liming, Zhang Fengjiao, and Guoran came to talk to Aunt Jiang. It happened that Aunt Jiang was ill and had auditory hallucinations. When she was talking to her daughter, Xiao Liming noticed that the phone line was completely disconnected. Aunt Jiang suddenly realized that her daughter After his death, he suddenly broke down and cried, which made everyone present feel uncomfortable.