很多朋友对于周也唱歌好听吗 周也孟子义都是人间百灵鸟和不太懂,今天就由小编萬物生長ゝ来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

It is rare to find an actor who can sing well and act well. For example, the three leading actors in "Lotus House", Cheng Yi, Zeng Shunxi and Xiao Shunyao, are all actors who are good at singing and acting. They are comfortable on the set and have no stage fright on the stage. There are actors who can sing well, and there are also actors who can't sing well, such as Zhou Ye. Zhou Ye's singing voice is really like a "lark", quite magical.

Anyone who has watched the show "Fifty Kilometers to Taohuawu" should know who sings well and who sings poorly. In the second episode, the guests performed a talent show. Zhou Ye and Meng Ziyi worked hard to practice singing. Both of them are good-looking. , a beautiful actress with good acting skills, graduated from Beijing Film Academy, so who sings better?

After listening to Zhou Ye and Meng Ziyi singing, you will find that good-looking people may not necessarily sing well. Their singing voices are about the same, and every line is not in tune. The guests next to them are laughing from ear to ear. Guo Qilin comes out. Being polite, I kept suppressing my laughter, fearing that the other party would lose confidence.

At the beginning, Meng Ziyi sang first. Guo Qilin said that her singing was not that bad and was pretty good. It could be seen that Guo Qilin was a little more gentleman than Zhang Han and Lai Guanlin. The other two people could not stop laughing. After that, Zhou Ye's singing became more and more exciting. Appearing, once again letting everyone break their guard, his singing voice and melody were not in the same key at all.

Singing requires talent. It's obvious that neither Zhou Ye nor Meng Ziyi has singing talent. In fact, they don't want to, and singing out of tune is beyond their control. Although Zhou Ye sings out of tune, her acting skills are remarkable. There is no need to care about her singing skills. The most important thing is to hone her acting skills.

Except for Zhou Ye and Meng Ziyi, Wang Hedi and Gong Jun also don't sing well, but they have good looks and acting skills, and they don't follow the route of singers. Since they don't sing well, it's fine if they don't sing. Netizens only look at their acting skills and whether they sing well. It's not that important to sound good. Of course, if you sing well, it will be a plus. After all, many fans hope that their idols can be versatile, have good acting skills, and sing well. There are really very few stars.