据哈哈娱乐网网站「月影依风」消息,近日,常华森和田曦薇合作过吗 清冷少年和甜妹cp感十足引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

Chang Huasen became famous for his role as Li Tongguang in "One Thought Off the Mountain", and his popularity skyrocketed. The mentoring line between him and the heroine is more interesting than the love line between the male and female protagonists. Many people think that Chang Huasen and Tian Xiwei have more sense of CP. One is a cool boy and the other is a sweet girl. If they cooperate, many people will definitely appreciate CP.

Chang Huasen and Tian Xiwei are now very popular new-generation actors. Chang Huasen had no previous works. "One Thought of Guanshan" made him popular. Tian Xiwei gained a lot of attention because of her role in "Everyday Life". Although their celebrity status is not as high as that of first-line artists, it can be regarded as an important turning point in their careers. At least everyone knows about them and recognizes their acting skills.

Chang Huasen was born in 1997. He is 26 years old this year and graduated from Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology. He participated in the third season of "Youth With You". Although he did not debut in a group, he also achieved a good ranking. Chang Huasen Watson's singing and dancing skills are still very strong. Chang Huasen's film and television works include "We Are So Lovely" and "Plop Plop Love You", but unfortunately they did not make him out of the circle. This time he performed well in "One Thought Guanshan". Everyone is deeply impressed by Chang Huasen. In the future His resources will not be short.

Tian Xiwei is the same age as Chang Huasen, also 26 years old. She graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and entered the entertainment industry in 2018. Tian Xiwei's representative works include "Waiting for You in a Long Time" and "My True Friend". She collaborated with Chang Huasen in "We Are So Lovely". At that time, they were not popular yet and the audience would not pay much attention to them, so few people knew that Tian Xiwei and Chang Huasen had collaborated.

Tian Xiwei played the heroine Li Wei in "Everyday Life" and was loved by the audience. They thought she was very suitable for this role. She is sweet, cute and very smart. Tian Xiwei seems to have a sense of CP with the male stars she has worked with, whether it is Bai Jingting or Zeng Shunxi. In fact, Tian Xiwei and Chang Huasen are a better match. If they are allowed to collaborate in a movie, they should be very popular.