






【英文介绍/For English】:

Where is fierce love broadcast?

1. "Fierce Love" was broadcast on Tencent Video. The male and female protagonists are Gao Mingchen and He Xuanlin. The two staged a thrilling love revenge drama in the Republic of China.

2. Duan Xunchu, played by Gao Mingchen, had a miserable life experience. After his family was wiped out, he left his hometown full of hatred and secretly accumulated strength.

3. Lin Wenyu, played by He Xuanlin, was mistaken by Duan Xunchu as the daughter of his enemy. Many years later, the two reunited, fell in love and killed each other. In the end, the misunderstanding was resolved and they came together.

What novel is Fierce Love based on?

"Fierce Love" is a love revenge drama of the Republic of China, starring new generation actors He Xuanlin and Gao Mingchen. It first aired on December 30. It mainly tells the story of Duan Xunchu and his eldest sister-in-law Lin Wenyu falling in love and killing each other. So this drama Is there an original novel?