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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Deadly Game" feels like a breakout-type unit drama. Each unit has a different story and actors. Because this drama was taken off the shelves soon after it was released, many people are not very familiar with the copy actors, nor are they familiar with those important roles. Who played it? Let’s take a look at the rough actor introduction in the copy.

The first door Ling Jiushi entered was the Snow Village dungeon. The boss lady and the long-haired female ghost turned out to be mother and daughter, and the long-haired female ghost was the one who transformed after Xiao Jiu died. Everyone was very curious about the actor who played Xiao Jiu. She was played by Cheng Sihan , a mainland actress, served as the host of the 5th Asian International Film Festival in 2019, and also acted in "Blind Fight" and "Hello!" puberty".

The boss lady is played by Weng Hong, a powerful veteran actor, who is familiar to many people, and the timid Wang Xiaoyi, who was played by Ma Jiaying. This role ended up dead. Phil Summer Bird is the second unit story. The wizard is played by Li Mao, a member of the Supreme League. I guess people didn't recognize it. I feel that Li Mao has gained weight and his acting skills have improved.

There is also Xu Jin in Human Skin Drum, played by Lucy Chen. Lucy Chen was born in 1996. She has appeared in film and television works such as "Have a Good Dinner with You" and "The Teacher Is Here", but she is not very popular and has good looks. He is tall, and his acting skills are not bad. He had an emotional scene with Huang Junjie in "Deadly Game", which was quite exciting.

The female doorkeeper of the nursing home is played by Yan Jiaying. Yan Jiaying is not only an actress but also a model. She was born in Shanxi in 1993. She debuted as a member of a singing and dancing group and later transformed into an actress. Her representative works include "Elixir of the Immortal Way" and "Peeping into Women's Hearts". " and "Your Future Has Been Signed" and other film and television works.

The Girl in the Rain is played by Li Siyu, and Zuozi is also the one everyone is looking forward to. Lu Zuozi is played by Jia Xiaohan, Jiang Xinhong is played by Lu Songhao, and Mou Kai is played by Zheng Peng. The Ye Crying Man unit was played by Ling Jiushi and Li Dongyuan together, but Li Dongyuan died in this episode. Among them, Yu Fu was played by Xu Dongdong, which everyone should be familiar with.

Both Sunny Day Doll and Box Girl are very good-looking copies. The two main actors are Yan Shihe, played by Zhang Jinan, and Xiao Ji, played by Huang Jincheng.