

路人以为是猪肉 随手捡便宜拎起来的编织袋 在火车上解冻一路血水滴落,汪新马魁师徒先是怀疑锁定尸体为近期一宗失踪人口丁贵安 接着追寻查探到丁认的大哥董钢行踪诡秘,马魁和汪新谎称丁贵安的亲戚,向董钢打听丁贵安的情况,他一问三不知,他们只好先离开。汪新无意中看到董钢手心里都是汗,怀疑他心里有鬼,苦于没有确凿的证据。汪新和马魁在董钢小卖部旁边轮流蹲守,没有发现任何异常。汪新和马魁蹲守了一天一夜,没有发现任何线索,夜深了,董钢看四下无人,就关了小卖部的门离开,他们俩觉得董钢很可疑,就悄悄跟上去。汪新和马魁闯进房间,看到一个神智不健全的男人被铁链捆在床上。汪新和马魁来当地派出所了解情况,得知被捆在房间里的事董钢的亲弟弟,他患有精神病,汪新把董钢的弟弟叫出来,他语无伦次。民警进屋以后,他吓得大声惊呼,连连说自己没有杀人。流浪汉在垃圾桶里捡东西,突然发现一袋残肢,民警把残肢拿回去比对,汪新和马魁闻讯赶来,确认残肢是丁贵安的。就在这时,民警把董钢抓回来,董钢如实交代了自己的罪行,两年前,董钢失手杀了人,他弟弟目睹这一幕被吓疯了,董钢入狱前把弟弟送到精神病院,出狱后就把弟弟接回家,董钢对丁贵安的案子一无所知,马魁看出他没撒谎。



【英文介绍/For English】:

"South to North" Dong Gang was arrested and admitted the facts of the crime. Unexpectedly, he had nothing to do with Ding Gui'an's disappearance, and Ding Gui'an's case finally became an unsolved case.

Passers-by picked up the woven bag thinking it was pork and thawed it on the train. Blood dripped all the way. Wang Xin, Ma Kui and his disciples first suspected that the body was that of a recent missing person, Ding Gui'an, and then traced the whereabouts of Dong Gang, Ding's eldest brother. In a secret, Ma Kui and Wang Xin lied about Ding Gui'an's relatives and asked Dong Gang about Ding Gui'an's situation. He didn't know anything about Ding Gui'an, so they had to leave first. Wang Xin accidentally saw that Dong Gang's palms were sweaty and suspected that he had something up his sleeve, but he suffered from the lack of conclusive evidence. Wang Xin and Ma Kui took turns squatting next to Dong Gang's canteen and found nothing unusual. Wang Xin and Ma Kui stayed on guard for a day and a night, but did not find any clues. Late at night, Dong Gang saw no one around, so he closed the door of the canteen and left. They felt that Dong Gang was suspicious, so they followed him quietly. Wang Xin and Ma Kui broke into the room and saw a mentally retarded man tied to the bed with chains. Wang Xin and Ma Kui came to the local police station to learn about the situation and learned that Dong Gang's brother, who was tied up in the room, suffered from mental illness. Wang Xin called Dong Gang's brother out, but he was incoherent. After the police entered the house, he was so frightened that he screamed loudly and repeatedly said that he had not committed any murder. The homeless man was picking up things in the trash can and suddenly found a bag of stumps. The police took the stumps back for comparison. Wang Xin and Ma Kui came after hearing the news and confirmed that the stumps belonged to Ding Gui'an. At this moment, the police arrested Dong Gang. Dong Gang truthfully confessed his crime. Two years ago, Dong Gang accidentally killed someone. His younger brother was frightened when he saw this scene. Dong Gang sent his younger brother to prison before he was imprisoned. He went to the mental hospital and took his brother home after he was released from prison. Dong Gang knew nothing about Ding Gui'an's case, but Ma Kui saw that he was not lying.