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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is a suspense unit drama with a total of nine cases. Each case presents a different theme. Because the plot is adapted from the original work of the same name written by a foreign author, many people are full of expectations and curiosity about this drama.

The whole story unfolds from Di Renjie's perspective. He is the protagonist. The audience follows his footsteps to get closer to the truth step by step, understand the case, and finally bring the murderer to justice. Di Renjie solves crimes while traveling, which is rare. He went to Penglai, Lanfang, islands and deserts. In short, different places gave people a great sense of freshness.

There are nine units in total, corresponding to nine cases, namely the Phoenix Seal Case, the Screen Case, the Golden Case, the Legend of the Rain Master, the Red Pavilion, the Desert Chase, the Empty Gourd, the Skylark's Chirp, and the Chaoyun Library. The circumstances of the cases are different. Di Renjie also encountered obstacles and dangers in the process of solving the case, but he still persisted in finding the truth and seeking justice for the victim.

First of all, the first case is the Phoenix Seal Case, which concerns the state body and the queen. The Phoenix Seal was accidentally lost, and then there were rumors of sky fire. It turned out that all this was planned by Di Renjie's former mentor Wei Wuji. Later, he burned himself to death, and the Phoenix Seal case was solved. Di Renjie was favored by the queen.

The screen case is related to love and desire. Tengkan killed his wife and lover and blamed others. He gained a good reputation. However, Di Renjie saw through it at a glance, and Tengkan was ruined in the end. The Golden Case took the longest to film, because the story took place on a ship, and the most unexpected thing was the identity of the murderer.

The Legend of the Rain Master is a story about a poignant love. This love is based on lies. The Red Pavilion case happened in the border area. Di Renjie solved the murder case that happened in the Red Pavilion. He thought it was a homicide, but he didn't expect it to be a suicide. Chasing a murderer in the desert is a struggle between different minds. Di Renjie abides by the laws of the Tang Dynasty, while Diao Xiaoguan likes to use violence to fight violence.

The Empty Gourd is the struggle between Di Renjie and the evil forces. The Skylark's Chirp is the most cruel case among all the cases. The Chaoyun Library case ends with Di Renjie being freed.