据哈哈娱乐网网站「渲染流年」消息,近日,花间令卓澜江喜欢谁 卓澜江最后和谁在一起了引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Flower Order" Yang Caiwei was kind to Zhuo Lanjiang for saving her life. After Zhuo Lanjiang learned that Yang Caiwei was killed, he mistakenly thought that Pan Yue was the murderer and wanted to kill Pan Yue to avenge Yang Caiwei. Unexpectedly, Yang Caiwei had become Shangguan Zhi. , Zhuo Lanjiang recognized her through her words and deeds. One second, Zhuo Lanjiang wanted to avenge Yang Caiwei, and the next second, he asked to marry Shangguan Zhi. It is really difficult for those who don’t understand the previous relationship to understand Zhuo Lanjiang’s behavior. In short, , I am very curious about who Zhuo Lanjiang likes. It is obvious that Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue are the official spouses, and Zhuo Lanjiang's official spouse is someone else.

Zhuo Lanjiang is the young master of Yinyu Tower. He respects his father very much, is a righteous man, and values ​​relationships very much. He has always admired Yang Caiwei. When Yang Caiwei rescued him, the two became good friends. Later, Shangguan Zhi and Yang Caiwei changed faces. , also died on their wedding night. Zhuo Lanjiang thought Yang Caiwei was dead, so he took people to find Pan Yue to settle the score, but he met Yang Caiwei who had become Shangguan Zhi.

Yang Caiwei regards Zhuo Lanjiang as a friend, but Zhuo Lanjiang likes to hide it as saying that in order to be with Yang Caiwei, he is willing to marry into Shangguan's family. From this point of view, Zhuo Lanjiang is really devoted to Yang Caiwei, but Yang Caiwei rejected Zhuo Lanjiang's proposal. , the person she likes is Pan Yue, and Zhuo Lanjiang is a friend in her eyes, and has no other ideas.

Zhuo Lanjiang's official consort is not Yang Caiwei, but Bai Xiaosheng. Zhuo Lanjiang carries a blood feud, is decisive and ruthless in killing, while Bai Xiaosheng is a little liar who is only interested in profit, but she has a kind nature. Bai Xiaosheng liked Pan Yue at first, but their identities were very different. Later, Bai Xiaosheng and Yang Caiwei became friends who shared weal and woe, and got to know Zhuo Lanjiang.

Bai Xiaosheng has a cute personality and yearns for freedom. She and Qianwei have two completely different personalities. Zhuo Lanjiang finally fell in love with Bai Xiaosheng. He was grateful to Yang Caiwei more than he liked her. Bai Xiaosheng and Zhuo Lanjiang were official partners, and they were quite a match. Not surprisingly, Zhuo Lanjiang and Bai Xiaosheng ended up together.