据哈哈娱乐网网站「小花朵」消息,近日,午夜怪谈真相是什么 林峰最后的结局如何引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Midnight Strange Tales" is a horror film starring You'er and Keran Yu. The film will be released on April 4, 2024. It mainly revolves around the bizarre experience of radio anchor Lin Feng. What is the truth? What is Lin Feng's final outcome?

Since it is scheduled to be released during the Qingming Festival, the atmosphere of horror is immediately full. This movie is an intertwining of reality and illusion, true and false, false and true, with "ghost story" as the core theme. Is this story true or artificial? of?

Lin Feng is a popular midnight radio anchor. In order to chase traffic, he went to the horror house to explore alone, hoping to catch the audience's attention and secure his position as the top brother of the radio station. From the first day Lin Feng entered the haunted house, various strange and horrifying events followed one after another. These things slowly eroded Lin Feng's consciousness and soul.

Lin Feng's life and work have been seriously affected. His colleagues all think that he has gone crazy. However, Lin Feng is still immersed in it. His future is bleak and he doesn't know what to do. What happened to Lin Feng? There was an old lady who was burning paper money at the intersection at night. Her face was very permeable and her eyes were hollow. She looked at Lin Feng as if she were a corpse.

There were also hysterical phone calls, the "Give me back my life" sounds like they were coming from hell, which made people feel numb. Lin Feng saw the bathroom full of blood. Where did the blood come from? Did a homicide occur? In addition to the haunted house, strange things also happened at Lin Feng's radio station. There was a ghost in a white dress walking through the radio station, and there were lightning and thunder, which made people's hair stand on end.

The double buffs of Midnight Radio and Haunted House Quest are fully stacked. The radio anchor’s traffic password comes from the haunted house. It is difficult to distinguish the true story from the false, causing Lin Feng to lose himself. The horror points of the movie are very dense and close to reality. The truth is that Lin Feng once deceived Fang Siyao, and then Fang Siyao's sister used psychological suggestion to retaliate against Lin Feng. In the end, Lin Feng realized that he had done something wrong and sincerely repented.