
cd是男的。全称是Craig David(音译克雷格·大卫),1981年5月5日出生于英国南安普顿,英国R&B男歌手、说唱歌手、词曲作者、DJ。2001年,在全英音乐奖上获得了包括最佳英国专辑、最佳男歌手、最佳英国新艺人等在内的6项提名。2002年,推出第二张个人专辑《Slicker Than Your Average》。2005年,推出第三张个人专辑《The Story Goes》。

Craig David早年经历


1996年,埋头创作一夜的歌曲被流行组合Damage选中。1997年5月,发行了由自己创作的“I'm ready”,这次经历坚定了他对自己创作实力的自信。此后,在俱乐部里遇到二人组合Artful Dodger,一同创作了歌曲“Re-Rewind”,该曲于1999年底发行,在圣诞节时获得了排行榜的亚军,Wildstar唱片公司注意到了克雷格的才华,将他招至旗下。

Craig David演艺经历

1、2005年,推出第三张个人专辑《The Story Goes》。

2、2007年11月12日,推出第四张个人专辑《Trust Me》,克雷格与制作人Martin Terefe及词作者混音师同样也是制作人的Fraser T.Smith在古巴首都哈瓦那录制完成;此外,专辑中的《Hot Stuff》是以大卫·鲍伊的歌曲《Let's Dance》为蓝本。

3、2010年,发行了翻唱专辑《Signed Sealed Delivered》,其中包括史提夫·汪达的《Signed Sealed Delivered》、马文·盖伊的《I Heard It Through The Grapevine》、The Temptations的《Papa Was A Rollin'Stone》等。

Craig David评价

粗浓的眉毛下一双清澈的大眼睛,很有些雕塑感的下巴上留着精心修剪的络腮胡子,还有一脑袋纽扣一样的“硬石”发型———这就是克雷格·大卫。他不仅有英俊的外表,一副天生唱蓝调的好嗓子,还有一个充满创作灵感的头脑。首张专辑《Born To Do It》写下的是英国近代Urban Music重要的一页。在翻唱专辑《Signed Sealed Delivered》中,克雷格的演唱无可挑剔,活力、不羁、深情、调皮,要啥有啥,好些曾经旋律模糊的曲儿从他嘴里跑出来都变得清晰了不少。

【英文介绍/For English】:

cd is male. The full name is Craig David (transliteration Craig David), born on May 5, 1981 in Southampton, England, is a British R&B male singer, rapper, songwriter, and DJ. In 2001, he won 6 nominations at the Brit Awards, including Best British Album, Best Male Singer, and Best New British Artist. In 2002, released the second solo album "Slicker Than Your Average". In 2005, the third solo album "The Story Goes" was released.

Craig David Early Life

On May 5, 1981, Craig David was born in Southampton, a port city in southern England. In the mid-1990s, when his father became the owner of a local music club, Craig went to the club out of curiosity and tried his hand at DJing. Through long-term DJ experience, Craig had a clear understanding of the structure of songs and began to write songs.

In 1996, the song that devoted himself to writing overnight was selected by the pop group Damage. In May 1997, he released "I'm ready" composed by himself. This experience strengthened his confidence in his creative ability. After that, he met the duo Artful Dodger in the club and wrote the song "Re -Rewind", which was released at the end of 1999 and won the runner-up on the Christmas charts. Wildstar Records noticed Craig's talent and recruited him to its label.

Craig David acting experience

1. In 2005, the third solo album "The Story Goes" was released.

2. On November 12, 2007, the fourth solo album "Trust Me" was released. Craig, producer Martin Terefe and lyricist and mixer Fraser T.Smith, who is also the producer, completed the recording in Havana, Cuba; In addition, "Hot Stuff" on the album is based on David Bowie's song "Let's Dance".

3. In 2010, the cover album "Signed Sealed Delivered" was released, including Stevie Wonder's "Signed Sealed Delivered", Marvin Gaye's "I Heard It Through The Grapevine", The Temptations' "Papa Was A Rollin' Stone", etc.

Craig David's review

A pair of clear eyes under thick eyebrows, a well-trimmed beard on a very sculptural chin, and a button-like "hard rock" hairstyle -- this is Craig David. He not only has a handsome appearance, a good blues voice, but also a mind full of creative inspiration. The first album "Born To Do It" wrote an important page of modern British Urban Music. In the cover album "Signed Sealed Delivered", Craig's singing is impeccable, energetic, uninhibited, soulful, mischievous, whatever you want, and many songs that used to have vague melodies have become clear when they come out of his mouth Not a lot.