
洛斯是女的。鲁比·洛斯(Ruby Rose)1986年3月20日出生于澳大利亚墨尔本,澳大利亚MTV音乐电视台主持人、电台MC、模特、演员。鲁比·洛斯的职业生涯是从音乐主持人起步的,后来做过电台主持人和模特。代表作品有女子监狱、生化危机:终章、极限特工:终极回归、鳄鱼邓迪:传奇之子返乡记等。



此外,她还是一个攻气十足、留着标志性短发、纹身多到数不清的中性美女。在MV《Break Free》中,她露出纹身,卸下妆容,剪短头发,绷带束胸,穿上中性服装,打破性别框架的桎梏,气场全开,让人们一下记住了这个带有邪魅微笑的女人。而且,她还有飒爽的身影与凌厉的身手。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Rose is a woman. Ruby Rose (Ruby Rose), born in Melbourne, Australia on March 20, 1986, is an Australian MTV music TV host, radio MC, model, and actor. Ruby Rose started her career as a music emcee and later worked as a radio host and model. Representative works include Orange Is the New Black, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Xx: The Ultimate Return, Crocodile Dundee: The Legendary Son Returns Home, etc.

<strong>Character evaluation:

<p>On a certain street, Ruby Rose is wearing a black T-shirt and sunglasses. At the premiere of the film "Pitch Perfect 3", she wore a deep purple gradient dress with off the shoulders, full of mature temperament.

In addition, she is an aggressive androgynous beauty with her signature short hair and countless tattoos. In the MV "Break Free", she showed her tattoos, removed her makeup, cut her hair short, bandaged her chest, put on neutral clothing, broke the shackles of the gender frame, and her aura was full, making people remember this with Evil smiling woman. Moreover, she has a sassy figure and fierce skills.