




【英文介绍/For English】:

Liu Beta and Sun Shuke are not lovers. In the 8th issue of "Cute Detective Detective Case", Song Yaxuan and Liu Yaowen changed their names together to match the plot. Song Yaxuan's name is "Sun Shuke", who plays the son of Sun Honglei, and his personality in the show is relatively rebellious. Liu Yaowen changed his name to "Liu Beta" for the show, and played the role of an orphan without father and mother in the show, who grew up with his uncle. "Cute Detective Detective Case" is an IP immersive reasoning reality show produced by iQiyi. Each episode of the show is based on a classic IP to restore, adapt, and "travel" in real scenes, and perform hilarious interpretations of the original drama.

<strong>Episode 8: Sha Yi Tao Hong renews her relationship with husband and wife Yang Di guesses a song for the first time

<p>The college entrance examination is getting closer and closer. The first mock exam has just ended. The school organized a "Parents Open Day", inviting the parents of the students to come to the school to have a talk with the head teacher, and accompany their children to have fun in the school day. The purpose of the school holding such an event is to allow parents and children of each family who are approaching the college entrance examination to have an opportunity to communicate with each other, so that parents have an opportunity to understand the school life status of their children approaching the college entrance examination.

Today, five children from Class Three and Class Three welcomed their parents to visit the school. Children who are in adolescence are under a lot of pressure, and the accumulated conflicts between the children and their parents have been escalating. One of the five children has the most intense conflict with their parents, so the other four friends decided, On the day of "Parents Open Day", Lianhe teachers performed a "big show" in front of parents.