




【英文介绍/For English】:

Translation of "Happy to Think of Shu": Sima Zhao invited Liu Chan to a banquet, and deliberately arranged a program for the Kingdom of Shu. The people around were all sad for Liu Chan's subjugation, but Liu Chan laughed happily and remained indifferent. Seeing this situation, Sima Zhao said to Jia Chong: "I didn't expect Liu Chan to be so confused. Even if Zhuge Liang lived to this time, he would not be able to help this stupid monarch, let alone Jiang Wei!" Jia Chong said: "No So, how can you annex him, Your Highness?"

One day, Sima Zhao asked him, "Do you miss Shu?" Liu Chan replied, "It's very happy here, and I don't miss Shu." Knowing this, Liu Chan's attendant pointed him out: "If Sima Zhao asks again, you should cry and say: 'The tombs of our ancestors are all buried in Shu, and I miss them every day.'" Later, when Sima Zhao asked him again, Liu Chan followed suit. We are teaching him to answer. Sima Zhao then said: "Why does it seem to be a serious tone?" Liu Chan was shocked when he heard this, and opened his eyes to look at Sima Zhao and said: "Your words are indeed correct." People around laughed.

The original text of "Happy Not to Think of Shu": King Sima Wen and the Zen Banquet, for which he made a fuss about Shu skills, and others are saddened by it, but Zen is happy and smiling. Wang called Jia Chong and said: "People are ruthless, so it can be so! Even if Zhuge Liang is there, it can't be supplemented for a long time, let alone Jiang Weixie?"

Another day, the king asked Zen, "Do you miss Shu?" Far away in Long and Shu, I feel sad in my heart and think about it all day long, because I close my eyes." The king of Hui asked again, and the king said, "Why does it seem to be right but evil!" Zen said in amazement: "Sincerity. It's like honoring your life." Everyone on the left and right laughed.