




【英文介绍/For English】:

Because Wu Xiubo had a scandal in his life before, he was a problem artist, so he had to be replaced. "Glorious Times" is an era anti-special criminal investigation drama directed by Liu Haibo and starring Zhang Yi. The play tells the story of the arduous and tit-for-tat struggle of the first generation of people's public security in New China, represented by Zheng Chaoyang, in the face of the continuous sabotage of the KMT's latent agents represented by the "Taoyuan" action group. Relying on the real age background and historical cases, "Glorious Times" reproduces the life-and-death struggle between the first generation of public security and the hidden secret agents of the Kuomintang after the peaceful liberation of Peking. The plot is tense and exciting.


<p>On the eve of the Liaoshen Campaign, Zheng Chaoyang, an underground party member hidden in the Peking Police Station, had to retreat urgently due to betrayal by a traitor. At the same time, it took away the underground lurking list carefully prepared by the Kuomintang. Zheng Chaoyang came to Xibaipo to participate in a study class to take over the city, and the roster he brought back through all the hardships dealt a devastating blow to the lurking Kuomintang agents in the Beiping area. The Kuomintang had no choice but to activate a special operations team composed entirely of "cold chess" agents, code-named Taoyuan. The person in charge of "Taoyuan" is Zheng Chaoyang's brother, the director-general of the Peking Youth Promotion Association, and a famous doctor Zheng Chaoshan.

After Beiping was peacefully liberated, Zheng Chaoyang returned to Beijing. He faced not only the remaining hidden secret agents and tens of thousands of Kuomintang stragglers, but also the mysterious "Taoyuan" operation group, and his brother Zheng Chaoshan, codenamed Phoenix. The two brothers each started a tit-for-tat confrontation on behalf of their own class. The two were clearly good brothers, but secretly tried their best, and the confrontation continued to escalate. In the end, the Taoyuan Action Group was completely destroyed. The city of Beijing has undergone earth-shaking changes. Everyone seemed to be reborn from the ashes, with hope in their eyes.