



而遥远的行星新德克萨斯上出产一种稀罕和强大的魔法水晶“Kerium”,吸引不计其数的其他星球人类从银河的各个角落赶来。在这些移民中,有些人善良诚实,也有些人阴险恶毒,最邪恶的当属Tex Hex。他是一个暴徒团体的头儿。Tex不惜代价的搜寻能够控制Kerium这种巨大的矿物能源。


【英文介绍/For English】:

The power of the bear and the speed of the leopard are the two abilities of the protagonist Bresta in the cartoon "Sheriff Bresta". "Sheriff Bresta", also known as "Interstellar Sheriff", is an American cartoon in the 1980s. The animation has 65 episodes, and each episode tells an educational story. It premiered in the United States on September 14, 1987, and was translated by Changchun Film Studio.

<strong>"Sheriff Bresta" synopsis

<p>It is said that a long time ago, on a planet called New Texas, there was a witty, clever and brave sheriff named Bresta. He has the eyes of an eagle, the ears of a wolf, the speed of a leopard, and the strength of a bear, making him an extraordinary superhuman. In order to maintain peace and tranquility, he fights unremittingly against evil.

And a rare and powerful magic crystal "Kerium" was produced on the distant planet New Texas, which attracted countless humans from other planets from all corners of the galaxy. Among these immigrants, some are kind and honest, while others are sinister and vicious. The most evil is Tex Hex. He is the leader of a gang of thugs. Tex's search, at any cost, is able to control Kerium, a vast source of mineral energy.

Only one person can stop his plans: Sheriff Bresta. When difficulties arise, the Sheriff summons the outstanding power of an animal and uses this power to clear the way. For example, use the strength of a bear to move boulders, the speed of a leopard to catch criminals, the eyes of an eagle and the ears of a wolf. His mount is a shape-shifting horse, a horse that can transform into a human form, can stand on its hind feet, talk and fight, and holds a "Serajiong" in its hand, and stays with him to bring justice together.