





【英文介绍/For English】:

Dajiang died in the 25th episode of "Sweeping Black Storm". In this episode, Da Jiang was ordered by Li Chengyang to protect the important witness Chen Jianbo. This is a very dangerous task, but Da Jiang did not hesitate. Gao Mingyuan sent his own killer, Lao Ning, to deal with Chen Jianbo. In order to protect Chen Jianbo, Da Jiang and Xing Fan fought desperately with Lao Ning. During the fight, Xing Fan was injured and passed out. Da Jiang and Lao Ning died together. Ask Chen Jianbo to take Xing Fan away.

<strong>Episode Reviews

<p>"Sweeping Black Storm" is based on the national special campaign against crime and evil. All plot materials are taken from real cases, including the Sun Xiaoguo case, the case of burying corpses in the playground, the Hunan Wen Liehong case, and the Hainan Huang Hongfa case. Temporary case. It can be said that without the thunderous action and extraordinary journey of the national special campaign against crime and evil since 2018, there would be no "Sweeping Dark Storm".

As far as the audience is concerned, the motivation for chasing dramas often lies in seeking the truth and exploring people's hearts. But at the creative level, the subject matter involved can be described as the most difficult. The ups and downs of the domestic dramas involved in the case have proved that "pursuing sensory stimulation with blood and grotesqueness" does not work. And in some "literary dramas" that seem to be written casually, the dramas are always using the characters' words and psychological confrontations to outline the see-saw of people's hearts. Inside the car, local cadres from Zhongjiang Province, Lvteng City, etc., and the central anti-crime and anti-evil supervision team carefully tested each other.

In the detention center, former old classmates and people with different positions, even a simple greeting is hidden. As for the negotiating table of an important project, everyone is concerned, and every word has a deep meaning. The way of civil and martial arts, one piece and one relaxation. Fast-paced and strong plots are of course the advantages of "Sweeping Black Storm", but what is truly commendable about the play is that the creators start from a realistic creative attitude and maintain the sense of proportion of a drama involved in the case while maintaining a sense of tension . The ups and downs of the story, the layers of competition between good and evil, and the in-depth exploration of human nature have always been the factors for the success of genre dramas.