本篇文章给大家谈谈十月初五的月光 结局,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

Moonlight ending on the fifth day of October: Five years later, Jun Hao and Li Xin returned to Macau and found that not only the scenery had changed, but also the faces of the people. Yi Wen went home to ask Hu Tao for divination, but he refused to recognize her. When he left, he met Jun Hao and begged Jun Hao not to expose her, but Jun Hao had no choice but to lie. Junhao persuaded Yiwen to give up her current life, and Yiwen told her that it was fate, and told her the news about Hailin. Junhao went to find Hailin, seeing Hailin’s son was lively and cute, he couldn’t help but say that he looked like Wenchu, and Hailin finally endured. Don't stop telling her the truth.


22 years ago, in the streets of Macau, Zhu Shajiao (played by Xue Jiayan) was the pillar of the nightclub. She had a relationship with Zhu Zhanhui, a university student in Hong Kong, and became pregnant. Xihui was going to New York to study journalism. Therefore, Jiao gave birth to her daughter Zhu Junhao (She Shiman decoration) alone. Jiao's singing sister, Wen Kwai Fong, couldn't bear the blow of her boyfriend's abandonment by the police officer, and poisoned her son Wen Chu (played by Zhang Zhilin) ​​with corrosive liquid. Fortunately, Jiao saved his life in time, but Chu has since become dumb. In the end, Jiao adopted Chu and brought him up.

22 years later, Hao and Chu have grown up, and Jiao, Hao and Chu have a very deep relationship. Jin Sheng (played by Tang Wenlong) is Chu's good friend. Sheng made friends with Chu because he felt that "someone is more unfortunate than himself". Whenever Chu and Hao are bullied, Sheng will protect them. One day, Jiaozhong met Hui and met Hao, and Hui became Hao's idol. Hui's love, Si Yi Lixin (played by Ma Junwei), by a coincidence, became friends with Hao and Chu, and tried his best to cure Chu's illness. When he first met his birth mother Fang, he used his savings to pay off Fang's debts. At this time, both Chu and Xin found themselves in love with Hao, and Chu quit this love triangle for Hao's happiness. Chu got Xin's help and had to speak up and live with Jiao, and Jiao also pretended to have an affair with Quan Haijing for the sake of a better future, and asked Hui to get back the money she had earned over the years, so that Hao left her.