
电影《八佰》取材于1937年淞沪会战最后一役,为了能稳住人心,取得最后的胜利,第88师262旅524团团附谢晋元率420余人,接到命令坚守最后一道防线,那就是“四行仓库”。刚开始为迷惑日军上当,先壮大声势。 随后谢晋汉对外称一共有800人,实际上只有四百人,这也是电影片名《八佰》的由来。





【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Eight Hundred" is based on the last battle of the Songhu Battle in 1937. In order to stabilize people's hearts and win the final victory, Xie Jinyuan, the 524th Regiment of the 262nd Brigade of the 88th Division, led more than 420 people and was ordered to stick to the last line of defense. "Sihang Warehouse". At the beginning, in order to confuse the Japanese army, they first strengthened their momentum. Later, Xie Jinhan claimed that there were 800 people in total, but in fact there were only 400 people. This is also the origin of the movie title "Eight Hundred".

<strong>Introduction to "Eight Hundred"

<p>"Eight Hundred" is produced by Huayi Brothers Film Co., Ltd. and Beijing Seven Impressions Culture Media Co., Ltd., directed by Guan Hu, Huang Zhizhong, Ou Hao, Wang Qianyuan, Jiang Wu, Zhang Yi, Du Chun, Wei Chen, Li Chen, Yu Haoming War-themed films.

The film is based on the Battle of Songhu in 1937. It tells the story of a reinforced battalion of the 524th Regiment of the 88th Division of the Third Theater of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army, known as the "Eight Hundred Heroes", who defended the Sixing Warehouse by the Suzhou River and blocked the Japanese army.

At the end of the Songhu Battle in 1937, the fierce fighting between China and Japan had lasted for three months, and Shanghai was on the verge of fall. Xie Jinyuan, the deputy of the 524th Regiment of the 262nd Brigade of the 88th Division, led more than 420 people, standing alone at the last line of defense, staying at the Shanghai Sixing Warehouse. It is separated from the concession by a river, which created a rare war surrounded by spectators. In order to strengthen the momentum, the actual number of 400 people is called 800 people. The "eight hundred strong men" were ordered to stay in Zhabei, Shanghai, and fought fiercely for four days in the Sixing Warehouse by the Suzhou River. They were not ordered to withdraw to the British Concession until October 30.