




【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Splendid Nange", Shen Zhi was finally killed by Lu Yuan. Shen Zhi is the eldest son of Shen. He is loyal and responsible. His father, Shen Tingzhang, is a loyal general with outstanding military exploits.

"Splendid Nange" is co-directed by Huang Bin and Li Huizhu, starring Li Qin and Qin Hao, starring Gu Jiacheng, Qi Ji, Ren Yunjie, Guan Xueying, Long Zhengxuan, Zhang Zhaohui, Deng Ying and Zhang Yameng. The play tells the story of the chivalrous girl Li Ge and the supervisor Liu Yikang who finally got married after experiencing many hardships, defended the country together, and jointly created the story of prosperity and prosperity.

Shen Zhi is played by the actor Li He. In the play, he is Shen Lige's elder brother, the eldest son of the Shen family. He has a dull personality, like a pillar, but he is responsible and principled. What Shen Zhi likes is Wang Zijin. Wang Zijin almost married Liu Yixuan as soon as he appeared on the stage, but fortunately she refused. Although Shen Zhi and Wang Zijin love each other, there is a difference between them, and they are not in the right family.

There is a description in Shen Zhi's play: "She is the daughter of a noble family, and I am a general of a poor family. Since ancient times, scholars and common people have not married." A class cannot be influenced by intermarriage. Fortunately, the two encouraged each other and trusted each other very much, and finally overcame difficulties and came together.