




【英文介绍/For English】:

Commercial performance refers to commercial performance. Commercial performances, the full name of commercial performances, are different from public welfare performances. Commercial performances exist because they bring benefits. There are many places for commercial performances, such as product event stores, corporate celebrations and many other similar places. In layman's terms, commercial performances are theatrical performances for profit.

The main forms of commercial performances are: large-scale concerts, corporate celebrations, commercial performances, performances without government participation, or performances that include public welfare words. Because the nature of commercial performances belongs to commercial performances and has no nature of public welfare, it is also commonly known as "making money".

Commercial performances may be for celebration, or it may be a means of attracting people, and there will be some small advertisements at the right time. But the commercial performance for the celebration is not so simple. You need to formulate a plan and choose a commercial performance company. If you want to save this commercial performance, you need a professional photography company to shoot it. After post-processing and production, add the company’s Some elements can be made into a promotional film or a feature film, and the effect on the promotion of the corporate image cannot be ignored.

Commercial performances are not as simple as imagined, and all the terms and conditions need to be carried out at the same time. After the commercial show, sum up the experience of this event to see if the video shot by the commercial show has achieved the expected effect. If it is good, find a company to post-produce it and make a product promotional video. Lay the foundation for future promotion.