
港岛妹妹是李志《天空之城》里面的歌词,李志,南京音乐人。 1978年生于江苏金坛。 1997年进入东南大学自动控制系,之后一直在南京工作生活至今。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Hong Kong Island Sister is the lyrics in Li Zhi's "Castle in the Sky". Li Zhi is a Nanjing musician. Born in Jintan, Jiangsu in 1978. In 1997, he entered the Department of Automatic Control of Southeast University, and has been working and living in Nanjing since then.

The lyrics of the song are: "The plane flies over the sky, the city of the sky. We are in the dusk under the rain. At this moment, I am in the night in a foreign land. I feel that you are flickering. I want to go back to the past, silently rejoicing. The city of the sky You who are crying brighter and brighter. Love is nothing but the fart of life. Tormenting me and tormenting you. Sister Kong Island, the Spanish pie you dedicated to me. Melting me sweetly, the city of the sky is crying. Hong Kong Sister Island, the sweet love we had. Crazy tore me apart, and the city of the sky was crying. Someone passed by there and came back to tell me. The city of the sky was crying for you who couldn’t breathe. At this moment, I’m in the night in a foreign land. I miss you watching you get farther and farther."

"Castle in the Sky" is a song composed and sung by Li Zhi. The song was included in the album "I Love Nanjing" released on September 9, 2009. His songs are not gorgeous, artificial, or repetitive, and there is only a touch of tone and occasional anger in the songs. The folk humor and semi-artistic feelings he possesses are presented in the original part of the album. His Chinese vocabulary system is a mixture of poetry in the 80s, rock music in the 90s, and cyberspace in the 00s. Although it is trivial, it is not complicated. He has market ideals, but he is unwilling to give up artistic speculation. His lyrics exude a sour smell that cannot cover up his solitary self-admiration. He is playful and affectionate, affectionate and moderate. He is like a European bard in the Middle Ages, wandering the world with an acoustic guitar in his arms, and the songs he plays are neither elegant nor vulgar, but he just sings his most ordinary love for the world with his true feelings. His songs are suitable for one person to listen to, to savor and experience slowly.