

宇宙少女是Starship Entertainment与乐华娱乐于2016年2月25日推出的女子演唱组合,由金泫静(雪娥)、吴宣仪、金枝妍(苞娜)、朴秀斌、秋所静(EXY)、李露朵(LUDA)、南多愿、孙珠妍(恩熙)、程潇、孟美岐、李真淑(夏天)、林多荣、俞琏静13名成员组成,其中包含3名中国成员和10名韩国成员。 


【英文介绍/For English】:

The 311 incident refers to March 11th, which was a cosmic girl's signing event. Several members of the team seemed to be in a very bad mood, especially Baona, who had always had a good relationship with Xuanyi. The person was not in the state the whole time, and his eyes were swollen, as if he had cried. the

Cosmic Girls is a female singing group launched by Starship Entertainment and Yuehua Entertainment on February 25, 2016. (LUDA), Nam Dawon, Son Joo Yeon (Eun Hee), Cheng Xiao, Meng Mi Qi, Lee Jin Sook (Summer), Lim Da Young, Yu Yeon Jung, 13 members, including 3 Chinese members and 10 Korean members . the

And at the signing event, she basically had no interaction with Xuan Yi. Some netizens speculated that the reason should be that Baona felt depressed after knowing that Meiqi and Xuanyi were going back to China for development.