




【英文介绍/For English】:

Cai Mi is a character in the TV series "Born to be Perfect". This drama takes the post-90s as the starting point and focuses on the healthy growth of this generation. The conflict between the three views of the post-80s and post-90s makes them both contradictory and resonant.

In "Born to be Perfect", Cai Mi is a typical post-90s youth. He grew up from a rebellious and self-centered college graduate in the military camp to a mature, down-to-earth adult.

Students born in the 1990s entered the 101 Project jointly organized by the school and the military camp, and were incorporated into the 101 Team. In the detachment, they experienced a completely different life from their original ones. In addition to physical and military training, there were also training in world outlook and psychological quality, as well as learning and rehearsal of psychological warfare knowledge. During this period, conflicts and conflicts between them and the army teachers continued, and there was a huge contrast in lifestyle, outlook on life, and value orientation.

Strict checkpoint training and assessment inspired their fighting spirit and cultivated their tenacious spiritual quality. Professional psychological warfare drills fully test their psychological endurance and the courage and actual combat level to defeat their opponents. After several months of hard training, a group of post-90s college students such as Cai Mi and Fu Chun have made rapid progress in terms of mental maturity and integrity of personality. These months have also become an unforgettable and vivid lesson in their life.