
天鹅套索》是由维拉帕特·苏帕派布尔、卡曼妮·耶美肯、伊格拉·萨拉苏、Namfon Kullanat领衔主演偶像爱情剧,主要讲的是坏脾气的女人Pimlapas在富豪男人Ramet帮助下改变自我,并产生微妙感情的故事。该剧于2009年5月20日首播。


女主角Pimlapas(卡曼妮·耶美肯 饰)出身于上流社会,有一个非常出色的男朋友,自己也是超级名模,生活是多么的幸福。但有一天故事开始转变,她的父亲自杀了,男朋友也在这个时候甩了她,臭脾气的她使得没有一个朋友愿意帮助她,一眨眼Pimlapas成了身无分文的孤儿。

在这样的绝望的境地,Pimlapas被指派去潜入Ramet(维拉帕特·苏帕派布尔 饰)所拥有的顶级清莱的酒店窃取重要文件,从而交换一大笔钱。很不幸,窃取文件的那一天,Pimlapas被抓住了,但Ramet没有打电话给警察,相反,他还采取了不一样的措施来改造这只孤傲臭脾气的女主,随着女主慢慢的成长变化,微妙的情感在两人之间长出来。

【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Swan Lasso" is an idol romantic drama starring Vilapat Supapeibul, Kamani Yemeken, Igra Sarasu, Namfon Kullanat, mainly about the bad-tempered woman Pimlapas in With the help of a rich man named Ramet, he changed himself and developed subtle emotions. The play premiered on May 20, 2009.

<strong>The main plot of the Thai drama "The Swan Lasso"

<p>The heroine Pimlapas (played by Carmani Yemeken) was born in the upper class, has a very good boyfriend, is also a supermodel herself, and her life is so happy. But one day the story began to change, her father committed suicide, her boyfriend also dumped her at this time, her bad temper made no one of her friends willing to help her, and in the blink of an eye Pimlapas became a penniless orphan.

In such a desperate situation, Pimlapas is assigned to infiltrate the top-notch Chiang Rai hotel owned by Ramet (Verapat Supapaipur) to steal important documents in exchange for a large sum of money. Unfortunately, on the day of stealing the documents, Pimlapas was caught, but Ramet did not call the police. On the contrary, he took different measures to reform this aloof and smelly heroine. The growth and changes of the two, subtle emotions grew between the two.