


是讲述卫视推出益智类综艺答题节目,据了解,这是根据美国NBC《Who's still standing》节目改编而来。该节目从2012年3月2日一直做到现在,最新的一期是2019年7月15日的,可以说是相当的厉害。《一站到底》形式新颖,趣味十足,吸引了来自全国各地的学子来参与。


由王牌主持人 孟非和相声名嘴郭德纲联合主持的全新益智答题脱口秀节目,于2011年6月8日在江苏卫视首播,不过该节目于2014年07月09日正式停播。


【英文介绍/For English】:

Programs that challenge answering questions, such as variety shows such as "One Stop to the End" and "Extremely Amazing", generally answer questions covering all walks of life. It can be said that you need to have extensive knowledge to be competent for this answering challenge.

<strong>"One Stop to the End"

<p>It tells the story of Satellite TV's launch of a puzzle-type variety show. It is understood that this is an adaptation of the American NBC "Who"s still standing" program. The program has been up to the present since March 2, 2012. The latest The first issue was on July 15, 2019, and it can be said to be quite powerful. "One Stop to the End" is novel in form and full of fun, attracting students from all over the country to participate.


<p>The brand new quiz talk show co-hosted by the ace host Meng Fei and the famous comedian Guo Degang, premiered on Jiangsu Satellite TV on June 8, 2011, but the program was officially closed on July 9, 2014 .

Although "Very Great" has been discontinued now, the former program is still worth watching, thinking how popular this program was back then.