

电视剧《新白娘子传奇》中的法海是金山寺住持,拥有极其强大的法力,本着降妖除魔,拯救苍生行于世间的信念。 然而,法海毕竟思想有所保守,以偏概全,错误地认为所有的妖精都应该予以收服于佛进行修炼。


【英文介绍/For English】:

Fahai rescued Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing many times in the play, and in the end Xu Xian volunteered to help Fahai trap his inner demons.

Fahai in the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake" is the abbot of Jinshan Temple. He possesses extremely powerful mana. However, after all, Fahai is somewhat conservative in his thinking and overgeneralizes, mistakenly believing that all goblins should be subdued to Buddha for cultivation.

This version of "Legend of the White Snake" has a different ending from the old version. Fa Hai did not allow Xu Xian to become a Buddha. In order to prevent Bai Suzhen from making a big mistake, Xu Xian voluntarily helped Fa Hai trap her demons. But Bai Suzhen still took the step of flooding the golden mountain. In the end, Bai Suzhen was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda, while Xu Xian traveled the world, using medical skills to wash away his wife's sins. But in the finale, Xu Shilin grew up. The champion of high school, returning home to worship the pagoda, and finally Bai Suzhen also came out.