


【英文介绍/For English】:

Luo Song went to Ye Lan's family to find out about the situation, and Ye Lan told the reason why he cared about Cheng Yunhao. It turned out that Cheng Yunhao was the son of Fei Zheng and Ye Lan, whose original name was Fei Dongdong. Face to face, Fei Zheng was being chased by the police, and Ye Lan was crying with her son in her arms, unable to escape. Fei Zheng made up his mind, left his son in the room, and took Ye Lan to escape through the window. Cheng Fenghua then led a team to search Fei Zheng's residence, found the child in the cradle, and adopted him.

It wasn't until many years later that Ye Lan discovered that Cheng Yunhao was the child she had left behind in person, but when she found out that Cheng Fenghua and his wife had raised him very well, she didn't recognize him. Ye Lan also asked Luo Song to keep it a secret for her, and never let Cheng Yunhao know her life experience. Ye Lan is not in good health, and she doesn't want to drag Cheng Yunhao down.