





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Agarwood Like Chips", Yan Dan stabbed Tang Zhou in order to break up with Tang Zhou, and at the same time, to allow Ying Yuan to survive the tribulation in the mortal world and return to his throne. The reason why Yan Dan wanted to kill Tang Zhou and throw Tang Zhou into the pool was actually to save Tang Zhou and also to bring Emperor Yingyuan back to his throne. Tang Zhou was hit by the villain's dry stone palm, and the fairy clothes were damaged and the fairy was unstable, and it was at a critical moment. The only way to save him is to kill Tang Zhou.

The last artifact is in the pool of Langya Mountain, but Tang Zhou has always been afraid of water, but if he does not collect the last artifact, Tang Zhou will explode and die, Ying Yuan will also die, and the heavens will be destroyed. Great changes, only Ying Yuan's return can quell the chaos in the heavenly world, so although Yan Dan loves Tang Zhou deeply, she has to do this in order to save the heavenly world and get Ying Yuan back.

No matter how many years have passed in heaven and earth, Ying Yuan and Yan Dan have loved each other terribly.