

    罗北笙在年龄上要比余初晖大将近一轮,都都妈把罗北笙介绍给余初晖的时候,余初晖也坦言称,自己正青春,不想要跟一个中年人混在一起。在最新的剧情中 ,余初晖下班见到罗北笙也在,这一次她没直接拒绝罗北笙,因为罗北笙送了一把鱿鱼花,余初晖称赞他不凡就看到罗北笙掏出洗手液,她立即说明两人不是一路人。


【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Ode to Joy 3", Luo Beisheng and Yu Chuhui are not together. Luo Beisheng was introduced to Yu Chuhui by Dudu's mother. Luo Beisheng and Dudu's mother were old classmates. Dudu's mother's children are so old, but Luo Beisheng is still single.

Luo Beisheng was nearly a round older than Yu Chuhui in age. When Du Duma introduced Luo Beisheng to Yu Chuhui, Yu Chuhui also admitted that he was young and didn't want to mix with a middle-aged man. In the latest plot, Yu Chuhui saw Luo Beisheng was there after get off work. This time she did not directly reject Luo Beisheng, because Luo Beisheng sent a handful of squid flowers. Yu Chuhui praised him for being extraordinary and saw Luo Beisheng take out the hand sanitizer. She immediately explained that the two were not all the way.

Yu Chuhui is a beginner in society, so she naturally knows what Luo Beisheng wants to say. She immediately added that there are only a few decades in her life, and there is a price to be paid for taking shortcuts, not to mention that this price is paid for with hard work. When Yu Chuhui met Fang Zhiheng, he was always absolutely sure that he and Luo Beisheng were not the same way, but he couldn't decide.