据哈哈娱乐网网站「掌中花」消息,近日,张颂文和谁是大学同学 张颂文和周一围什么关系引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

After "Hurricane" was broadcast, it was recognized by the audience. Douban scored very high. Everyone is following this drama. Among them, the popularity of Zhang Songwen, played by Gao Qiqiang, has skyrocketed. His acting skills are really good, and his rivalry with Zhang Yi is very touching. Zhang Songwen graduated from Beijing Film Academy, so who is his college classmate?

Gao Qiqiang played by Zhang Songwen in "Surge" is the boss of the evil forces. His great transformation is a highlight of this drama. Gao Qiqiang bows his head in front of power and interests. The greater his desire, the more crimes he commits. Seriously, there is no chance of "turning back to the shore". The audience was completely conquered by Zhang Songwen's acting skills. Some netizens said, "Mr. Songwen, Chinese owes you an actor", and Zhang Songwen warmly replied, "Thank you for your approval, but Chinese movies will definitely not Give me the award, because Cyclonus is TV."

Some people joked, "I suggest you check Zhang Songwen, it doesn't look like acting." I didn't expect Zhang Songwen's acting skills to reach this level. I believe he will get better and better in the future. Zhang Songwen's father is a soldier and his mother is a doctor. His childhood was carefree. Before entering the showbiz, Zhang Songwen did many other jobs.

Zhang Songwen has been passionate about acting since he was a child. He was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy at the age of 25 and became the oldest student in the whole major. He also served as the class monitor and worked very seriously. At that time, Zhang Songwen and 18-year-old Zhou Yiwei were in the same class and dormitory. Zhou Yiwei also mentioned Zhang Songwen in a blog post. In his eyes, Zhang Songwen was his good teacher and helpful friend.

Besides Zhou Yiwei, Che Xiao and Han Wenwen are also in the same class as Zhang Songwen. Che Xiao once married Li Zhaohui, the richest man in Shanxi, but divorced after two years. His love life was not very happy, and Han Wenwen married Zhu Xiaotian. After graduating from Nortel, Zhang Songwen stayed at the school as a teaching assistant. That period was the most difficult time for him. Later, his acting career gradually improved. Now he has gained many fans with "Hurricane", and his luck is still to come. .