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【英文介绍/For English】:

Every character in "Chong Zi" has their own story. In addition to the relationship line between the male and female protagonists, the sadomasochism between Chu Bufu and Gong Keran is also very interesting. Everyone wants to know why Chu Bufu saved him. Gong Keran did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life.

Gao Han plays Chu Bufu, the first disciple of the Longevity Palace, who later became the Demon Lord Myriad Calamities, so Gao Han wants to perform the contrast of this role. Chu Bufu was born in an ordinary family with a kind nature. He once saved Chongzi from danger, and told Chongzi that "you can get angry when you are bullied, but you can't hurt people's heart". This sentence has always been kept in Chongzi's heart.

In Chongzi's eyes, Chu Bufu is the best immortal. She regards Chu Bufu as the goal of her struggle and went to Nanhua to study art. Because of Chongzi's evil spirit, she was neglected and ridiculed. Luo Yinfan accepted her in order to protect Chongzi. for disciples.

Chu Bufu became a demon because he wanted to protect his fellow disciples, so he made a deal with Demon Sword. In this way, Chu Bufu possessed magic power. In exchange, he sacrificed his soul and turned into a cruel and merciless man. It is not the only choice for Devil Sword. When Devil Sword has a better choice, it will give up Chu Bufu without hesitation, so the ending of Chu Bufu will be very tragic.

Wan Jie is a cruel and ruthless devil who has harmed countless people and has no humanity, but he is sincere to his fellow junior sister Gong. Wan Jie put himself in danger many times in order to save the palace. When Wanjie was still in Chu Bufu, he liked Gong Keran, and Gong Keran also liked him. Two people who are clearly in love cannot be together.

Apart from Gong Keran, the only person Wan Jie has never hurt is Chong Zi. He regards Chong Zi as his family, and Chong Zi trusts him very much. Even though the two are in different camps, Wan Jie never thought of harming Chong Zi.

Wan Jie paid so much, but in the end he failed to keep his school, and ruined himself, and fulfilled the mastermind behind the scenes. Therefore, Wan Jie's original choice was not right or wrong, and his kind heart was not rewarded well in the end. .