据哈哈娱乐网网站「雪蝶宿秋风」消息,近日,女士的品格白惠下场怎么样 意识到错误主动求和引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。








【英文介绍/For English】:

Bai Hui is a new character in "Ms. Dignity". She was originally thought to be a practical and capable professional woman, but unexpectedly she was pregnant and turned to control the workplace. Her husband even wanted to file a lawsuit with Yao Wei. Bai Hui Yao Wei's mother even played a rogue, causing Yao Wei's father to have a heart attack and was hospitalized. This is the first time I have seen such a broken-skinned person. It was really an eye-opener.

In Episode 26 of "A Lady's Character", Bai Hui approached Yao Hui and offered to apologize. The most important thing was that she used Yao Wei's trust and failed the trust of Yao Wei's father, causing their family to suffer so much. She sincerely apologized, The main thing is that she realized her mistake.

Bai Hui said that she would voluntarily leave the company, and she also accepted the suggestion of staying without pay. She just hoped that Yao Wei would give herself a chance. When she came back to work after her maternity leave, she could start again as an intern. Using my true strength to become a regular, I really hope that Yao Wei can give herself this opportunity.

Yao Wei apologized to Yao Wei on behalf of her husband, and said that she really didn't mean to play tricks, because she had two miscarriages before, and this time she had such an idea. She was really forced to help her, and then she burst into tears.

Facing Bai Hui's apology and her thoughts, Yao Wei also had feelings in her heart. After communicating with her boss, she agreed to Bai Hui's request for leave. She just hoped that through this incident, Bai Hui would realize that as a mother, she needs more Set a good example for your children. After all, children's behavior is largely influenced by their parents. I hope that parents can lead by example.

Bai Hui would apologize so quickly, in fact, it had a lot to do with Liu Xiaoxi. Liu Xiaoxi took the initiative to find Yao Wei and apologize to her, because he heard the news of Bai Hui's pregnancy in the bathroom before, but at that time he saw that Yao Wei was so fond of Bai Hui. Hui felt that it would be a matter of time before she turned around, but she didn't expect that Bai Hui would have a bad mind and cause these follow-up things.

Later, Liu Xiaoxi found Bai Hui and talked with her. As a mother, she hoped that she could lead by example. Women know women best, so Bai Hui apologized.