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【英文介绍/For English】:

Messi won the 2022 World Cup. After winning the championship, he shared the happiness with his wife and children. His wife Antonella also posted photos to tell about this joy. The relationship between the husband and wife is really sweet, and it is also enjoyed by netizens Tao's love myth.

Messi and his wife Antonella met when they were 9 years old. At that time, the two didn't talk much, and they were not childhood sweethearts, but Messi fell in love with her at first sight. Since then, he has kept the seeds of his secret love in his heart. After his friend died, he resolutely gave him verbal comfort.

Antonella is Messi's first love. His love and liking for her has been planted since he was 9 years old, and he has been caring for her with love. This feeling is really touching.

Later, due to depression, Antonella was in a bad mood for a long time. Messi put down everything to accompany her, gave her encouragement, and helped Antonella out of the predicament. It was also because of Messi's thoughtfulness and Insisting on emotion, Antonella decided to be with Messi.

Messi and Antonella have been in love for many years. In the middle, they are very busy because of training and participating in competitions. However, Messi has never let go of his care and love for Antonella. , the two got married.

After marriage, Messi had three children. The life of the family of five was low-key and happy. Messi thanked Antonella for taking care of him, for his contribution to the family, and for the education of the children.

We all know Messi’s achievements in football. Although he experienced many ups and downs when he was a child because of his short stature, his family has always supported and helped him unconditionally, which gave him a lot of confidence. The love of his parents, the love of his grandparents Accompany and encourage him to keep going.

Later, after having a family with Antonella and having children, his spiritual pillar has been sublimated again. In his career, Messi has encountered many troughs and once wanted to quit the game. His teammates, relatives, friends, wives and children With their encouragement, he stood up again. After training hard, he won the 2022 World Cup.