






【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is the biggest villain in the gentleman in the deep house

1. The biggest villain in "A Gentleman in the Deep House" is Ma Ye. Ma Ye is also a member of the Five Dragons Gang. Because of his greed and greed, he not only betrayed his brothers but even colluded with the Japanese army.

2. Ma Ye finally became the biggest villain in the play, kidnapping the young man and the master, and even killed the old lady.

3. Fortunately, the killer's second wife and others teamed up to kill Ma Ye, and he died without guilt.

Does the father of a gentleman in the deep house accept the young man?

"Deep House Life" father accepts the young and old. The master was very angry when he knew that the young master was gay. His good brother Zhang Ye was forced to death because of homosexuality, and now the young master offended him.