






【英文介绍/For English】:

If at 18 I can't send you flowers what song

1. If I failed to send you flowers at the age of 18, it is the lyrics of the song "Late Love Words". The original singer is Zhang Jiawang, the lyrics are written by Zhibai, and the music is composed by Wei Chuandi.

2. This song is included in the album of the same name and released on July 20, 2021. It has now become a commonly used bgm on short video platforms.

3. The next sentence of "If I can't send you flowers on the 18th" is "Then on the 28th, I will treat you to a drink", which represents a feeling of regret.

Don't see you again, when will the fish flower pond be released?

"Don't Say Goodbye, Fish Flower Pond" is a movie directed by Niu Xiaoyu. It is 110 minutes in total. The starring actors are Ye Zi and Zheng Shengzhi. When can I see "Don't Say Goodbye, Yuhuatang"?