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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Coffin Hill Ancient Tomb" is a movie starring the famous Chinese Hong Kong actor Yuen Biao. It was launched on Tencent and iQiyi on November 12. It was jointly produced by many companies. I feel that the overall quality is not bad. So this movie mainly talks about What kind of story? What kind of secret is hidden behind Magu's treasure? Zhang Sanye, the successor of Suoshan, will show you the truth about Magu's ancient tomb.

The story mainly revolves around Magu's treasure. If you want to open the treasure, you must find the mysterious jade pillow. Originally, the warlord Luo Manzi wanted to use the jade pillow to make a deal with foreigners, but it was stolen by Zhang Sanye. There are two legends about the jade pillow, one is a treasure, and the other is a magic medicine for immortality. If you enter Magu's tomb, you can get these two things, so Luo Manzi also joined the team looking for the treasure.

In order to understand the truth about the ancient tomb of Magu, Mr. Zhang took two apprentices to the ancient tomb. The journey was full of thrills. Not only did he have to fight against the witches and Gu masters, but he also had a life-and-death struggle with bloodthirsty spiders in the underground palace, and overcame the illusion of Ganoderma lucidum. All in all, the play continues from beginning to end, which is very exciting, giving the audience visual shock and enjoyment.

As long as there are treasures, there will be traps, which can protect the treasures from being stolen, but the traps in Magu's ancient tomb can be easily opened, which is a bit incomprehensible. In fact, Magu is not a female ghost, but a plant of nutmeg that can cause hallucinations. Anyone who enters the underground palace will be easily hallucinated by the smell of nutmeg, thus losing the ability to fight, and eventually become nutmeg food.

The establishment of the Magu Tomb is to create mystery and attract more people to come and nourish the nutmeg with their flesh and blood. The reason why the surrounding villagers told the people who came to look for the treasure the mechanism and the route was that they were influenced by the smell of nutmeg, so they did something against their conscience and sent more and more people into the ancient tomb to accept meat. A nibble of cardamom.

From this point of view, there is no treasure in the ancient tomb of Coffin Mountain, and everyone who came for the treasure died. In the end, the real situation of Magu's ancient tomb was revealed, and the truth became clear.